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The manager of a private club's golf course

You must follow the style guide for all projects.

The manager of a private club's golf course is having some trouble understanding his customer attendance. The manager's objective is to optimize staff availability by trying to predict when members will play golf. To accomplish that he needs to understand the reason members decide to play and if there is any explanation for that. He assumes that weather must be an important underlying factor, so he decides to use the weather forecast and record whether or not members play golf under certain weather conditions. Over the next two weeks he keeps records of:

asks the user to enter a positive integer value less than 20.

For this project, you will create a program that asks the user to enter a positive integer value less than 20.  

If the user enters a number greater than 20, the user should get an error.

If the user enters a number equal to or less than 20, display the double of each value beginning with 1 up to the selected number (multiply each number by 2), then provide the total of all doubles.  

the module "Arrays" for this project.

You should be comfortable with the content in the modules up to and including the module "Arrays" for this project.

Create a class called consultCo that holds a private struct called employee that contains the name, pay rate and social security number of an employee of a consulting firm called consultCo. The consultCo class should also have an array that holds all of the objects of all of the employees in the array.  This will be an array of employee objects.  Note: You cannot use a vector for this assignment--you must use an array.

General Notes for Example Classes

CE2001/CZ2001    Algorithms     

General Notes for Example Classes 2 – 4  


The next three example classes intend to reinforce your understanding of algorithms 

through hands-on experience of implementation and empirical analysis.  

General Notes for Example Classes

CE2001/CZ2001    Algorithms     

General Notes for Example Classes 2 – 4  


The next three example classes intend to reinforce your understanding of algorithms 

through hands-on experience of implementation and empirical analysis.  

Department of Computing and Information Systems

Department of Computing and Information Systems

COMP10002 Foundations of Algorithms

Semester 2, 2014

Assignment 2

Learning Outcomes

In this project you will demonstrate your understanding of dynamic memory and linked data structures.

Basic I/O, Implementing an RPN Calculator, Number Conversion


Lab4:  Basic I/O, Implementing an RPN Calculator, Number Conversion


In this lab you will write programs that use basic I/O, implementing a command line RPN calculator, and number conversion.

a Resizable Table, a Linked List, and a Word Count Program.

a Resizable Table, a Linked List, and a Word Count Program.


In this lab you will practice dynamic memory, pointers, and strings by implementing a table and a linked list that can be used to store name, value pairs. Additionally, you will implement your own string routines and implement a word counter program.

Implement a value returning function

1. Implement a value returning function QUESTION1(N) to compute the error in the series approximation y = e^x = 1 + x + (x^2)/2! + (x^3)/3! + … up to m terms for a user defined integer value of m. Illustrate with x = 0.5 and m=6. The data types for x and y must be double. Each term in the series must be computed as a double. The exact value of the y must be computed using the exp() function from  <math.h> <20 marks>

A Run-time Stack and Merge Sorting

COMP 2140 Assignment 2: A Run-time Stack and Merge Sorting a

Linked List

Helen Cameron and Stephane Durocher

Due: Wednesday October 22 at noon

Programming Standards

When writing code for this course, follow the programming standards, available on this course's website on

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