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Convert your Matlab statistics functions to C.

Convert your Matlab statistics functions to C.

Place all of the function in a single file (as this makes it much easier for me to grade). Convert the top-level routine (e.g., my_stats) to be the main (driver) routine. The main will call (exercise) all of the functions and display the output. Read the file "number_list.txt" to populate the list vector/array.

It will be easiest if you convert the routines one at a time.
mean    (my_mean)
maximum (my_max)
minimum (my_min)
range   (my_range)
median  (my_median)
mode    (my_mode)
variance (my_var)
standard deviation (my_std)

Make all of the functions return a double.
Have the mode return only a single mode.
The variance and standard deviation may be for the full population or a sample (to match Matlab use the one for a sample).

If you made use of some of the Matlab functions such as "sum", you will have to replace them with the appropriate code; better yet, replace this kind of function with one of your own much like you did previously with the "sort" function.

encode Document

Requirements:  Choose ONE of the following projects and follow all of the directions in this project 

specification for that project.  You will be in a team with people who chose the other projects. 

This Final Project has a Presentation Requirement that must be given during the scheduled time of the Final 

Design a class House that defines a house on a street

Here is my typed up version of the problem. I have tried to elaborate a bit on the book description of the problem, but if you have any questions just send me an email.

Design a class House that defines a house on a street. A House has an int house number and an Point location. The key member function is draw, which draws the house at location. The draw function should also write the house number on the house using the message object. Next, design a class Street. An object of type Street stores two House objects called first and last and the number of houses, num_houses, on the street which is an int. Street also has a member function called plot. Plot should draw evenly spaced houses starting at first ending with last. The number of houses plotted is equal to number of houses on the street. Use these classes in a graphics program in which the user clicks with the mouse on the locations of the first and last house, then enters the house numbers of the first and last house, and the number of houses on the street. Then the entire street is plotted.

How to Create a C++ Graphics Application

How to Create a C++ Graphics Application

This handout was originally written by Professor Wittman.  Note that your version of Visual  

studio might differ slightly from the one used in this handout.  Any differences should be 

Hash Table


CMPT 225 Assignment 5 – Hash Table

Google unveils its Container Engine

Google unveils its Container Engine to run apps in the best possible way on its cloud flip.it/RPQLZ

Yahoo tops list of 10 most active tech acquirers in 2013 flip.it/g5c2f

Tresorit opens its end-to-end encrypted file-sharing service to the public flip.it/EK1IZ

floodit C C++ Java

In this problem, you will use C++ classes to implement the game of Flood It, a one player

game. You can play a graphical version of the game at http://floodit.appspot.com/.

An instance of Flood It consists of an nxn-grid of cells, each of which can be in one of 5

Data Structures and Programming Principles

CS 225 Data Structures and Programming Principles

mp_parse—The Shunting Yard and ASTs

Write your own “circular array” class that provides efficient insert/remove operations at both the beginning and end of the sequence,

sorted linked list

CSE 232              

This is a singly-linked list (SLL) with a head and a tail. It differs from a standard SLL in that every insert places the new node into the list in sorted order. Thus, the SortedList is 

binary search tree

This project also deals with the Dictionary abstract data type (ADT). The objectives of the project are to:

 Program a binary search tree (BST) implementation of the Dictionary ADT.

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