Your goal for this assignment is to implement an Othello playing program that can beat you at Othello.
Your program should perform heuristic minimax.
Your goal for this assignment is to implement an Othello playing program that can beat you at Othello.
Your program should perform heuristic minimax.
Your goal for this assignment is to implement an Othello playing program that can beat you at Othello.
Your program should perform heuristic minimax.
The testing program will supply the MAXDEPTH argument. Turn in a zip file consisting of a single
folder using the naming convention below (important). The folder should contain the source and
compiled versions of your code, include an executable file named "play" as described below, and a
project report. The report must be in pdf (preferred) or Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx). The
report should be at least 3 pages long and include the following information:
•Names of the team and team members
•An English description of your program's data structures
•An English description of your program's static evaluation function
•Justification of your design decisions, including your choice of programming language
•Any special features of your program
•How you tested your program
•Citations to any resources you used in developing your program, such as articles about Othello
Modify your program so it uses the milliseconds per move parameter (TIMELIMIT1) to determine how
much search to do before returning an answer. You will need to devise a cut-off strategy that relies on
time. Your player will be tested with the following time limits:
1 second
4 seconds
16 seconds
60 seconds (1 minutes)
240 seconds (4 minutes)
The Linux operating system call clock( ) can be used to check the time using a clock that advances
according to the amount of time the process has been executing (as opposed to the actual time, which
can be greater). For example, in C++, the following code snippet determines the amount of time that
has passed since the opponent's last move was read:
#include <time.h>
clock_t start, now;
// read opponents move
scanf("%i %i", &opponentX, &opponentY);
start = clock();
now = clock();
// units for clock() are CLOCKS_PER_SEC, units for timelimit1 are 1/1000 of a second
time_passed = (now - start) / (CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 1000)
Note that:
•CLOCKS_PER_SECOND is on the order on 1,000,000. When doing arithmetic on clock tick
units, you have to be careful to avoid arithmetic overflow.
•Simply checking whether you are out of time in your CutoffTest function and returning from
that function if you are is not by itself adequate, because that would only return from one
recursive invocation of MiniMax. When you are out of time, you must print your answer and be
ready to read the opponent's next move.
•A simple way to solve this problem is to run experiments to determine the amount of time that
corresponds to a depth-n search, for various values of n. Then, just write your program so that it
converts the time limit to a depth limit.
•Another approach would be to implement an iterative-deepening version of minimax search,
and when the time limit is reached, return the answer calculated for the highest completed
•50% correctness (10% of the grade will be the timelimit portion of the code so if you dont feel
you can get it finished in time, don't worry about it.)
•25% programming style (make sure to comment your code, make it easy to read, etc)
•25% report
Bonus: up to 10 extra points for performance in the tournament.
You can either work by yourself or with a partner. Only one partner needs to submit the assignment.
Please make sure to clearly specify who you worked with when you submit your code.
Programming Materials
Pseudocode for Heuristic MiniMax with Alpha-Beta Pruning
Player programs are a folder (directory) containing a main program named "play" and any necessary
auxiliary files.The name of the folder is the team name, written using only lowercase letters and using a
dash "-" in place of blanks. The team name is of the form
For example: screaming-banjos-tim-kopp-henry-kautz
The file play should be executable. It might invoke other files in the directory. For example, if your
player is written in java and consists of the files foo.java and foo.class, then the file play would be the script:
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
java foo
When play is executed, it starts by reading a line from stdin. It must read the entire line including the
end-of-line character "\n". The line is of the form:
COLOR is either the letter B or the letter W, and indicates whether the program makes the first play: B
(black) means go first. The remaining arguments are integers. DEPTHLIMIT is the cutoff depth, or 0 if
none. TIMELIMIT2 is the amount of CPU time in milliseconds(1/1000 sec) allowed for each move, or
0 if no limit. TIMELIMIT2 is the total time budget for the game in milliseconds, or 0 if no overall
limit. If TIMELIMIT1 is not 0, then DEPTHLIMIT is ignored. If TIMELIMIT2 is not 0, then
DEPTHLIMIT and TIMELIMIT1 are ignored.
If COLOR is B, then the program must write a line (ending with the newline character) to stdout
specifying its move.After printing its move, the program waits to read a line from stdin indicating the
opponent's move. If COLOR is W, then the program waits to read a line from stdin specifying the
opponents move, and then begins to work on its move.
Moves are specified by line consisting of two integers
indicating a position by its horizontal and vertical position. X and Y range from 0 to 7. If a player has
no legal move, it should "pass" by printing the string "pass" rather than a pair of numbers. Lines must
be terminated by end of line characters "\n".
The tournament program determines when the game is over (all squares are filled or neither play can
make a move) and who the winner is. When a player program believes that the game is over and it
cannot move, it should wait by reading from stdin. If a line is able to be read (it should not, unless the
program has a bug), it should a line consisting of the word "pass" and loop back to read from stdin.
If a program takes longer than TIMELIMIT to print its move, or if it makes an illegal move, it
immediately loses and the tournament program ends the game.
User Interface Program
The interface is invoked as follows:
GUI is one of the following strings:gui Display the game graphically (using X windows and the DISPLAY environmental variable).
text Print a record of the game to stdout
none Nothing is printed except the final winner of the game
Each of BLACKPLAYER and WHITEPLAYER is either the flag -human or the name of a player
program directory (including the path if not in the working directory). If a player is human the player
either uses the gui to enter her moves, or in the case of text display types her moves as pairs of integers
to stdin after receiving a prompt. TIMELIMITs are not enforced for human players. For program
players, the tournament program runs them and interacts with them via stdin and stdout as described
At the end of the game, the tournament program prints a single line to stdout of the form:
where COLOR is one of the letters B,W, or T (for tie), ADVANTAGE is an integer equal to (# winner
squares - # loser squares), and REASON is one of the following strings:
legal The game was played properly by both players
timeout The losing program exceeded the time limit on a move
illegal The losing program made an illegal move
Note that in the came of timeout or illegal, ADVANTAGE might be negative.