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The square laser maze
Consider a sample laser maze shown on the left below:
In maze 1, the orange laser beam starts from coordinates (1,2) with laser going along the
East direction. The laser first hits a single‐sided mirror at (2,2), and then travels North, hits a
double‐sided mirror at (2,4), and then goes East, hits another double‐sized mirror at (5,4),
and direction changes to South. Finally, arriving the destination at (5,3). The green laser
beam starts from (0,3) with laser going along the East direction. If you follow the path of the
laser beam, you will notice the laser hits a few mirrors and finally arriving the destination at
In maze 1, both laser beams arrive at a destination. On the other hand, all beams in maze 2
cannot reach a destination. The orange laser beam goes off the boundary, the green laser
beam is blocked at (2,5) and cannot go further, and the red laser beam is blocked at (3,0) as
A typical laser maze contains these items:
At least 1 and at most 5 laser beam sources. Laser beam source will point to one of
these directions: North, East, South, West.
At least 1 and at most 5 destinations. Number of destinations can be different from
the number of sources.
Zero or more single‐sided mirrors. There are 4 kinds of single‐sided mirror, facing
NW, SE, SW, or NE.
Zero or more double‐sided mirrors. There are 2 kinds of double‐sided mirror.
Zero or more laser blocks. This is the cross shown in maze 2 above. A laser block will
stop any laser beam at the space that it is located.
Note that in a laser maze, there will be at most 20 items, and no two items share the same
coordinates. Smallest possible laser maze is 2x2.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Maze 1 Maze 2

ENGG1111 A1 2016/17
Converting the graphical maze into words
Somehow the laser maze needs to be entered into the program. We will give each item in
the laser maze a name. Below is the conversion table:

Symbol What is it?
single nw Single‐sided mirror facing the direction NW
single se Single‐sided mirror facing the direction SE
single sw Single‐sided mirror facing the direction SW
single ne Single‐sided mirror facing the direction NE
double nw Double‐sided mirror facing NW and SE
double ne Double‐sided mirror facing NE and SW
block Laser block
source direction Laser beam source facing one of N, E, S, W (e.g. corresponds to
source east)
dest Destination

Using this conversion table, together with the coordinates of each item, maze 1 and maze 2
can be represented non‐graphically, like this:
single se 1,6
double ne 4,6
single nw 3,3
source east 1,2
single se 2,5
source east 0,3
double ne 5,4
dest 4,1
single sw 3,5
single ne 1,4
single nw 2,2
dest 5,3
double nw 2,4
single se 1,6
dest 4,1
single se 2,5
source east 0,3
double ne 2,6
single nw 3,3
source north 2,2
double ne 5,4
single sw 3,5
double ne 1,0
dest 6,2
block 3,0
source east 0,1
single ne 1,4
double nw 2,4
single sw 1,1
Maze 1 Maze 2
Source and destination are assumed to be labelled starting from 1. For example, in maze 1
above, there are two sources and two destinations, where the laser beam from source 1 will
arrive at destination 2, and the beam from source 2 will hit destination 1. For maze 2, all
three sources will not arrive at any destination.

ENGG1111 Computer Programming and Applications ‐ Assignment 1

Your task
Develop a program which identifies the destination of each laser beam source. Format of
input is shown below:
Line 1: size of the square laser maze (e.g. both maze 1 and maze 2 has size 7)
Line 2: number of items in this maze (e.g. maze 1 has 13 items)
Line 3 onwards: information about the items, one per line, in lowercase. Each line starts
with the item name (with necessary direction) followed by the x and y
coordinates of that item. e.g. single se 1,6
source #1
source #2
source #1
source #2
source #3
destination #2
destination #1
destination #1
destination #2

ENGG1111 A1 2016/17
Output of the program are
n lines displaying the match for each laser beam source (from 1
n) to a destination. For example, if beam from source 1 arrives at destination 2, 1-2 will
be displayed. If there is no match for a laser beam, capital
X is used for the destination. For
example, if beam from source 2 doesn't arrive at any destination, display
A few sample input and output are shown below.

Sample input Sample output
single se 1,6
double ne 4,6
single nw 3,3
source east 1,2
single se 2,5
source east 0,3
double ne 5,4
dest 4,1
single sw 3,5
single ne 1,4
single nw 2,2
dest 5,3
double nw 2,4
single se 1,6
dest 4,1
single se 2,5
source east 0,3
double ne 2,6
single nw 3,3
source north 2,2
double ne 5,4
single sw 3,5
double ne 1,0
dest 6,2
block 3,0
source east 0,1
single ne 1,4
double nw 2,4
single sw 1,1
source west 2,2
source east 1,1
dest 4,3
double ne 1,2
block 3,0
double nw 1,3
double ne 3,1
source west 1,2
source east 2,2
source south 2,1
source north 1,1
dest 2,0
double ne 0,0

ENGG1111 A1 2016/17
Program testing
Apart from the above sample input and output, please generate your own data for testing.
Solution executable will be made available for testing purpose. Please download from
Moodle according to your Operating System. Do not attempt to reverse engineer the
executable file.
Assumptions you can / cannot made in the program
Apart from the assumptions written above, these are additional assumptions you can make
when writing the program:
All user input are valid with correct format.
Each input item occupies a space within the given boundary.
No two input items share the same space in the given laser maze.
Laser beam should stop once it hits a non‐reflective object.
Size of laser maze can be as large as the boundary of an integer.
Appropriate size of array must be created. Do not create oversized array. For
example, there are a maximum of 20 items for a maze, creating an array of size 21
for storing the items will be considered oversized.
Do not assume any default initialization of variables and array. Write your own
initialization codes.
No need to generate error message.
Output will be marked by computer, formatting must be observed strictly. Note that
"1‐X", "1_X", "1‐x" are considered different.
Figure 1 correct input/output format Figure 2 wrong input / output format
The above screens output are considered to be different. Input and output format in
Figure 1 follows the given instructions and will be marked correct; Figure 2 will be
marked wrong because of the improper format.
Rules and regulations
[I/O formats] Your program will be marked by machines. Therefore, input and output
formats should be followed strictly. Each test case will be marked as "correct" or "incorrect",
no partial marks will be given to a test case.
[Programming skills] You must demonstrate the use of functions and arrays in your
program. Use only 1D array. Other programming skills outside the scope (lecture 1‐5)
cannot be used. String can be used as a data type only, do not use any kind of string library
functions. Include only <iostream> for this assignment. Improper logic, such as using
"break" to force a loop to terminate, will cause mark deduction. If you are not sure, please

ENGG1111 A1 2016/17
[Plagiarism] Plagiarism is strictly prohibited! Faculty is very concern about plagiarism and all
suspicious cases will be reported to faculty for investigation and penalty. Maximum penalty
is zero coursework. You must not copy or let others copy your work. It's your own
responsibility to protect your files and prevent others from copying your program directly or
indirectly (e.g. obtain your program through another person). The following constitutes an
act of plagiarism:
• submitting another student's work as your own, or outsourcing;
• direct copying (full or partial);
• studying someone else's program and then rewriting it as your own;
• group work (i.e. working side by side, and discuss the program line by line);
• providing your assignment as the source for any of the above actions.
