CS:2230 Computer Science II: Data Structures
1 Types in college
In this problem, you are to implement the following classes types in package
edutypes: Instructor, Professor, Student, TeachingAssistant. The
subtype relations among these are:
• All classes subtype Person, which is abstract.
1• Professor and TeachingAssistant subtype Instructor.
• TeachingAssistant subtypes Student.
You are free to use either or both implements and extends for subtyping.
Only Professor, Student, and TeachingAssistant need to be concrete.
Implement all these classes in file Person.java, which is available in
package edutypes. Do not implement methods nor fields in these classes.
1.1 Making use of the types
To test your implementation, use the static method testTypes() in class
TypesTester. This method contains the following lines:
public static void testTypes() {
Person a = new Professor(), b=new Student(), c=new TeachingAssistant();
Instructor d = new Professor(), e=new TeachingAssistant();
After running it, you should get an output such as:
1.2 Submission
Submit only file Person.java from package edutypes.
2 Simulation of forest fires
Forest fires are a great concern to the general public. The phenomenon
of forest fires occurs when one or more trees start burning, and the fire
is passed the trees in the proximity. As more trees are involved, the fire
becomes uncontrollable.
2You are to implement a portion of a forest fire simulator. You are pro-
vided with some code for this task. You have a visualizer (FFViewer class)
that is provided to you, and you are also provided some code for testing the
implementation of your trees. A screenshot of a finished homework is shown
How a simulation in progress looks like.
Simulation model The simulation model we are implementing consists
of trees and a distance for spreading the fire. The rules are:
• A tree can be in one of three situations: healthy, burning, and burnt.
• If a healthy tree is set on fire, then it is in the burning situation.
• The burning of a three consists of three days, including the day it was
set on fire.
• After the three days of burning, the tree is burnt.
• A tree that is burning or burnt cannot acquire fire again. A tree can
be set on fire only once.
With respect to the spatial characteristics of the simulation model:
• If a healthy tree is within d distance of a burning tree, it will be on
fire the next day.
3With respect to the simulation process:
• The simulation will continue executing until no trees are burning, i.e.,
until each tree is either healthy or burnt.
Requirements You are to implement two classes:
• The class for the tree. Note that the internal state of the tree changes
over the days.
• A class for custom simulation. A class for basic simulation is provided.
However, you must extend this class to make it more flexible.
2.1 Class FFTree
Class FFTree must have the methods specified below. You are free to
describe the internal state of the class (objects) in any way you want, as
long as it consists of primitive variables. Any fields and additional methods
must be declared private.
package forestfires;
public class FFTree {
// You choose which fields to use. They must be private.
// Constructor. It takes in coordinates x and y.
public FFTree(int x, int y)
// Returns the x-coordinate of the tree.
public int getX()
// Returns the y-coordinate of the tree.
public int getY()
// Computes the Euclidean distance (norm 2) between this
// tree and the other tree
public double distanceTo(FFTree other)
// Sets the tree on fire. Has an effect only if the tree is
// healthy.
4public void setFire()
// True if and only if the tree is currently on fire.
public boolean isBurning()
// True if and only if the fire consumed the tree.
public boolean isBurnt()
// Advances one day for the tree.
public void newDay()
// Additional methods (if you happen to need them) are to be
// left private.
2.2 Class FFSimulator
This class is provided. It reproduces a forest fire. After using it, read its
contents, but do not modify it. You need to understand how it works for the
next part.
2.3 Class FFCustomSimulator
You must write the code of this class. Instructions:
package forestfires;
public class FFCustomSimulator extends FFSimulator{
// The fields are up to you. They must be left private.
// Constructor. It does the same as FFSimulator(x,y).
public FFCustomSimulator(int x, int y)
// Constructor. It works the same as FFSimulator(500,2).
public FFCustomSimulator()
// Constructor. Uses the provided array instead of its own.
public FFCustomSimulator(FFTree[] aforest)
// Sets the animation speed. The parameter states how many
5// seconds uses a day in the simulation. The original speed
// is 0.1 seconds per day.
// Hint: there is a field in FFSimulator that you can use here.
public void setFrameSpeed(double seconds)
// Sets the distance for the spread of fire. Initially, the
// distance is set to 20 pixels (method spreadFire).
public void setSpreadDistance(int pixels)
Warning: you might need to override methods from FFSimulator in this
part. However, method simulation() does not need overriding.
• FFTester has some simple code for testing FFCustomSimulator.
• In principle, the behavior of FFCustomSimulator is identical to that
of FFSimulator, until you use one of the new methods.
2.4 Class FFTester
This class is provided. Class FFTester provides 5 static methods for testing
whether your implementation is correct or not.
void case1() It draws three trees diagonally. Total time: 4 seconds.
void case2() It draws some trees. Some are burning. Two seconds later, the
burning trees should be burnt. This checks the proper implementation
of FFTree with respect to the three-day burning policy. Total time: 4
void case3() It runs an actual simulation using FFSimulator. This truly
evaluates whether FFTree is behaving as expected.
void case4() More animations using FFSimulator.
void case5() It runs three different simulations using FFCustomSimula-
Since the methods are static, they can be called from your main method,
for testing.
62.5 Class FFViewer
This class is provided. You do not need to modify nor upload it. It is used
by FFTester and FFSimulator (in the simulation() method).
2.6 Submission
Submit only two files: FFTree.java and FFCustomSimulator.java. The
other classes are for your convenience.
2.7 Suggestions
This problem probably demands a fairly amount of programming skill. It
teaches about encapsulation and modularity, and a bit of polymorphism. It
is meant to increase your general programming skills.
How to start this? Implement a walking corpe of FFTree, i.e., make it
barely functional. Then try case1 and case2 of FFTester. As FFTree
becomes more mature, move onto trying it with case3 and case4. After
FFTree looks complete, move onto FFCustomSimulator.
An actual forest fire. Satellite photo by NASA.
Class FFViewer
If you are interested in the interface of this class, its methods of interest are
listed here:
FFViewer() Public constructor. It does not receive arguments. It creates
a new 600x600 window.
void dispose() Destroys the window. If you want the program to end au-
tomatically, you must call this method. Otherwise, pressing ’x’ on the
window is necessary.
void drawTrees(FFTree[] T) Draws an array of trees. If a tree is burning
or burnt, you will see this being drawn.
void pause(double seconds) Pauses the viewer (and the application) for
seconds seconds. For example, make seconds equal to 0.1 for 1/10th
of a second delay. Pausing is necessary for animation. If you draw and
don’t pause, everything will be too fast for the naked eye!
In the future (homework 4 and 5), you will need to interact directly with the
graphical interfaces.