CS1002 Object-Oriented Programming Practical W11: Fox & Geese
Aims and Objectives
Your aim in this practical is to gain the following skill:
• to use 2-D arrays as a data structure in Java programs
By the end of this practical you should be able to:
• design and implement data structures based upon 2-D arrays
• design and implement methods that manipulate 2-D arrays
This practical involves modelling and implementing a solution to a specified problem.
You will need to identify which classes to create, what fields they will have and which
methods they will need. You will also need to implement a solution and test it.
The main, compulsory, part of the practical is described in Parts 1-6. Part 7 describes
some additional extension activities, which you can choose to do or not. Without do-
ing any extension activities the highest mark that you can achieve is 17.
Practical Instructions
Part 1: Setting Up
Create a new LibreOffice Writer document and an Eclipse project to hold your work.
Part 2: Overview
In this practical you will design and implement a program to simulate the board game
Fox and Geese. There are several variations on this game, so it is important to read the
following description carefully – this is the variant you will be implementing.
The Fox and Geese board is in the shape of a cross, as follows:
CS1002 Object-Oriented Programming Practical W11: Fox & Geese
Board and Pieces
The board consists of thirty-three squares, nine in the centre, and six more in each of
the arms of the cross.
There is a single piece representing the fox, and a number of pieces representing the
geese. In the variant of the game that we are modelling, we will assume 17 geese, as in
the figure above. The starting positions of these pieces are also as shown in the figure.
Players, Movement, and Capture
One player controls the fox, the other the geese. The geese move first. The players take
turns to move the fox or one of the geese to an adjacent unoccupied square, horizon-
tally, vertically, or diagonally.
The fox may alternatively capture a goose by jumping over it (in a straight line) onto
an unoccupied square:
A captured goose is removed from play for the remainder of the game.
Victory Conditions
The geese win the game if the fox is unable to move. This happens when the fox is sur-
rounded by geese so that there are no adjacent squares to which it can move, and no
geese that it can capture. The fox wins the game when there are too few geese to hem
in the fox.
Part 3: Specification
The task in this practical is to write a program to support the playing of a game of Fox
and Geese. It should:
• Maintain the current state of the board, and allow it to be displayed. Your
board representation should be based upon a two-dimensional array.
• Allow only legal moves.
• Detect victory.
• Allow users to input moves via a simple textual interface.
Part 4: Design and Implementation
It would be sensible to review your lecture notes and Week 9, Exercise 1 on Noughts &
Crosses before continuing. Fox and Geese shares many of the same design considera-
You will need to think about the following:
• Board representation. The practical specifies a two-dimensional array. You will
need to decide how to represent each of the possible states of a point on the
board (empty, contains goose, contains fox). Since the board is not rectangular,
your array will have to be big enough contain the whole board and you will
also have to decide how to represent a position outside the board.
• Displaying the Board. How will you print out a representation of the board?
• Next to Play. How will you keep track of whose turn it is?
• Making moves. How will you specify a move (hint: one pair of coordinates, or
two?). How will you ensure that a specified move is legal? How will you up-
date the state of the board to reflect that a move has been made?
• Victory. How will you detect victory from the perspective of the fox? From the
perspective of the geese?
Part 5: Testing
You are not required to provide JUnit tests for this practical; however, you should provide
evidence that you have thoroughly tested your program. One possible way of testing
would be to play the game, print out the state of the board after each step, and observe
the output to see if everything worked correctly.
At each step, you could try one/some of the following:
• A legal move. This would change the state of the game, and result in the fox or
one of the geese changing its position, or being removed from the board. This
should be indicated.
• A move outside one’s turn. A fox should not be allowed to move if it’s the
geese’ turn to move, and vice versa.
• An illegal move. A move should not be possible if a cell is already occupied or
outside the board, and should be indicated.
• A move that leads to victory. Victory should be indicated immediately after a
move that results in it.
• An incorrect input. The user entered input may have errors such as missing co-
ordinates or non-numeral input etc., and these should be indicated.
Part 6: Report
Your report must be structured as follows:
• Overview: Give a short overview of the practical: what were you asked to do?
• Design: Describe the design of your solution, justifying the decisions you
made. In particular, include a copy of a UML class diagram, a brief explanation
of why you designed your model in the that you did, how you translated your
model into Java and any interesting features of your Java implementation. CS1002 Object-Oriented Programming Practical W11: Fox & Geese
• Testing: Describe how you tested your program and in particular, how you de-
signed different tests. Your report should include the output from a number of
test runs to demonstrate that your program satisfies the specification.
• Evaluation: Evaluate the success of your program against what you were asked
to do.
• Conclusion: Conclude by summarising what you achieved, what you found
difficult, and what you would like to do given more time.
Don’t forget to add a header including your matriculation number, tutor, and the date.
Part 7: Extension Activities
The activities in this section are not compulsory, though you need to do at least one of
them to achieve a grade above 17. Try them if you’re interested and have spare time.
• Can you replace one or both of the human players with an artificial intelli-
gence? The very simplest such AI would collect all of the possible moves to-
gether and select one at random, but you can do much better than that…
• Can you support some of the variants of the game, such as an increased number
of foxes, or a different number of geese? How will you allow the user to select
which game to play?
Part 8: Finishing Up
Save your report and create a PDF version as for previous practicals. Package up your
Eclipse project and PDF report into a zip file and upload the zip file to MMS.