CSE 232
This is a singly-linked list (SLL) with a head and a tail. It differs from a standard SLL in
that every insert places the new node into the list in sorted order. Thus, the SortedList is
always sorted, not because a sort was done but because of the way inserts are done.
Because of this, there are no push_front or push_back operators as that would violate the
sorted insertion principle.
A Different Specification
The spec is loosely provided below. I provide you with a class_skeleton-11.h file
with some of the code already provided, and a main-11.cpp file which tests the code.
Your job is to create class-11.h using class_skeleton.h as a starting point.
You need to provide the needed details to run main-11.cpp. class_skeleton.h
is clearly marked with what you can and cannot modify. If you modify some of the
interface, that which is marked as don't change, the main will not run. Be careful with
Header files
You can change what header files are included in any way you need in the header part of
Node class
Already provided in class_skeleton-11.h . It is templated on the data_ member.
It provides two constructors and an operator<. Do not modify the Node class in any
SortedList class
Here is the specification of the SortedList class
Parts that are fully specified in class_skeleton-11.h, you do not change
• private members
• default constructor
Parts that are declared but not defined. You cannot change the declarations, but you must
provide the definitions.
• constructor with initializer_list
• copy constructor
• destructor
• operator=
• insert
o T value arg to insert
o no return
• find
o T value arg to look for
o ptr return (nullptr if not found, Node<T>* ptr to element in the list if
• del
o T value arg to delete in list
§ if multiple examples of T, delete the first one
o returns true if value deleted, false otherwise
o can use find
• length
o no args
o size_t return of the size of, number of elements in, the list
• min
o no args
o T value return of the smallest element
• max
o no args
o T value return of the largest element
• mid
o no args
o T value return of the element in the middle. If even number of elements,
return the element to the right of the middle (basically the element of len/2
using integer math).
• operator<<
o declaration is there, you need to fill in the definition in the SortedList
Anything else you need!!!
You are defining your class, so any other functions/members you might need, feel free to
add them. The test will only involve using the main provided.
Important things to Note
Deliverables class-11.h your source code solution containing declarations and defintions in
one file, since this is a template. remember to include your section, the date, project
number and comments. Remember, you do not provide main-11.cpp
1. Please be sure to use the specified file names
2. Save a copy of your file in your CSE account disk space (H drive on CSE
3. You will electronically submit a copy of the file using the "handin" program:
Assignment Notes
swap. std::swap cannot be used to swap a user-defined class. However, it can be used
to swap the individual elements of a user-defined class. Thus you will probably want to
do individual swaps of the SortedList elements in operator=